Garbage Island

An Introduction

My best friend told me about this place. I was hoping maybe it could help me get feelings off of my chest, and maybe meet people who can somewhat relate.

You can call me Mimi. I'm in my late twenties and I don't know what I'm doing with my life. Cliché, I know; but it's the truth. I've been frustrated with a lot of things lately, like why everyone seems to love Discord so much, and how the internet just makes me feel so isolated. I feel like a boomer even thought I know others would tell me otherwise. It's a bunch of dumb stuff, really.

When I'm not working, I do try to occupy myself with learning new hobbies and revisiting old ones. But I still crave that want to meet new people online. Part of me is nervous as hell aboit it due to bad past experiences. Guess I'm not immune to the socialization bug, lol.

Anyways, sorry for rambling. I'll be posting whatever comes to mind here and there. Like I've said before, if anyone can relate to the stuff I write, that's cool.

Take care, folks. -Mimi