Garbage Island

"On Your Feet, Jackass!"

You know how some people have a gentle "voice" in their head to tell them to keep going when they get discouraged? Well, I need a drill sergeant on my end; and it worked! In order to not mope around about what I lost, I kept busy with chasing other avenues until that other door opened.

I think it's nearly been a month since my last entry, right? I didn't want to immediately hop on to tell the news, but I was blessed to quickly get a job again after being let go from my last one. Still in the same field, but this time with what seems to be a way more supportive environment who gives me the freedom to manage my workload the way I like! For barely being a couple weeks in, I've been told that I'm doing extremely well and I've already been assigned an outside salesman to assist with quotes, material orders, and sales ticket/paperwork maintenance. In short, I take care of the background work so my salesman can focus on bringing customers to the business. I feel valued here so far and ready to put my best foot forward. Hopefully this energy keeps up!

Unfortunately some of my online acquaintances weren't so understanding and either ended up silently removing me from a few places, or accused me of neglecting them. It stung a bit because I did tell them that I had to get things straightened out first before I could be around online more often. But this type of "paranoid" behavior and my personal "studies" concerning it will be saved for a future entry.

To the few who've reached out over email, I forget to check it a lot and I've really needed to focus a lot of time to my new job. I hope you understand. I'm not shy of admitting that I'm horrible at communication in general, too.

Getting out of the house and just wandering parks and gardens I hadn't visited yet has also done wonders for my mental health too. Maybe Mom had a point about getting a daily dose of sunshine to lift the spirits. Her words, not mine.

Whether you've got my blog here bookmarked, or you're a passerby checking out the title with a raised eyebrow, thanks for stopping by again. It's Saturday evening here and I just indulged in one of my favorite things, homemade hot pot. What's one of your favorite foods?
